Let's do this! 


This includes everything in the Foundations service in addition to: 

● Option for weekly 30-minute individual coaching calls

● Ongoing text support for questions, additional guidance, accountability, & strategies on the go

● Customized exercise program tailored to your environment/needs. 

● Review of blood work with supplementation/dietary recommendations

This coaching service focuses on fully customizing your lifestyle to match your goals and build a sustainable routine that supports long-lasting results. This is for individuals who are fully committed to making the necessary changes needed to improve their overall health and understand the importance of  accountability and ongoing support in order to be successful. Perfect for beginners,  and suggested for those who don't want to waste any time to live as their highest selves. 


Initial Total Payment: $499 in total
 (1st month + design/consult fee).

You will be billed monthly recurring for $399/month following.




+ Initial Strategy Design Fee: $100

● Initial 60-minute client strategy + onboarding call
● Weekly check-ins via Google Excel Sheet (videos/text provided)

● Biweekly community group calls (recorded)

● A customized evolving nutrition plan tailored to you and your preferences (i.e. macronutrients, flexible/non-weight meal plans, food lists) 

● General resistance training programming & exercise recommendations (not customized)

● Ongoing adjustments and suggestions for lifestyle improvement & supplementation

● Access to resources including travel guides, on-the-go guides, recipes & more

● EMAIL ONLY for clarifying questions 

This experience focuses on rebuilding the structure of which your current behaviors and habits exist to improve your health & wellness. We will highlight blind spots & build awareness around what keeps you from being able to reach your goals, and instead create a sustainable routine that supports you in all seasons of life. Get ready to dig deep into mindset and what it takes to implement quality nutrition and daily practices that enable you to step into a more confident, capable, and thriving version of you. 





Initial Total Payment: $399 in total
 (1st month + design/consult fee).

You will be billed monthly recurring for $299/month following.

+ Initial Strategy Design Fee: $100

● Initial 30-minute client onboarding

● Weekly check-ins via Google Excel Sheet (videos/text provided)

● Ongoing general nutrition, lifestyle & exercise recommendations

● Adjustments to macronutrients with changing phases/for optimal results

● EMAIL ONLY for clarifying questions

This is a transition offering for those who are experienced and would like ongoing accountability & during their current phase, or would like guidance going from one phase to another or making tweaks for more optimal results. These are self-learners who take information and run with it!



Initial Total Payment: $249 in total
(1st month + consultation fee).

You will be billed monthly recurring for $199/month following.

+ Initial Strategy/Consult Fee: $50



This option is for those who are seeking clarity on what needs to change in order to reach their goals. We will explore your current dietary routines & habits, lifestyle practices, and behaviors to get a clear picture of where you are  while providing education and actionable steps to inch closer to where you want to be.

You will fill out a comprehensive intake form which we will review in a 60-minute follow-up call to discuss the best route for you moving forward.

You will be provided specific  macronutrient/nutrition, lifestyle and exercise recommendations in a written summary of what was discussed relative to your goals.

*If you decide after the consultation that you would like to pursue one of the above coaching options, your consultation fee will be credited towards whichever option you choose.

one-time only





I’m so happy you’re here. I started this coaching experience because I understand the complexities of life and being human. We are busy, we are tired, and sometimes it feels hopeless to have everything we want. I’m here to change that narrative.  I believe we CAN have it all with the right tools, mindsets, and strategies if we are willing to work for it.  Want to hear more?  Let's chat!

Hey, It's Rachel! 


 "She’s extremely knowledgeable, and she will make sure to find answers for you."

“I’m so thankful for the support and coaching Rachel has offered. She’s intentional and tailors your plan to you and your needs and meets you where you’re at. She’s extremely knowledgeable, and she will make sure to find answers for you, if needed! I’m so grateful for this opportunity, and she’s truly helped me transform my lifestyle and emotions around food and movement!”

Jess C.


"I've gained invaluable insights into myself and my eating habits – something you can't quantify."

"I'm glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone and partnered with a nutrition/fitness coach. I got lucky with Rachel. I deeply appreciate her approach. Over the past five months, I've gained invaluable insights into myself and my eating habits – something you can't quantify. Rachel supported me in numerous ways, always with grace and compassion. Her genuine care for her clients shines through in our group meetings and chats; it's a fantastic community. Rachel isn't just my nutrition and fitness coach; sometimes she a life coach too- hah! If you're debating whether to work with a coach on your journey, don't hesitate to reach out to Rachel. You won't be disappointed."

Shelbi R.


"I genuinely do not feel I could have done this on my own."

"I have been working with Rachel for about 6 months and have sustainably lost nearly 30 pounds with her coaching, accountability, and support! Before starting my health journey, I felt like food had a chokehold over me. I was not in touch with my body, I was overeating, not exercising, and had low energy on the daily. We started with small and achievable goals, and slowly increased the goals as I made progress. I genuinely do not feel I could have done this on my own. Don’t hesitate to work with Rachel if you are looking for a coach who will be real with you, hold you accountable, celebrate with you, and create an individualized plan to help you reach your goals!"


Zoe W.

  • Lifelong Learning
  • Professional Excellence
  • Self-Responsibility
  • Growth Mindsets
  • Active Lifestyles
  • Constructive Feedback
  • Reflective Thinking
  • Open-Minded Exploration
  • Patience!

Let's work together if you care about:

A collection of recipes curated by myself, the R.Elery Coaching community, and outside resources to help add a creative and exciting dimension to your health journey. 

Free Download

Looking to mix things up? Check out our recipes!

Ready to change your life? 

Thank You!